The following pages form the basis of the SSOMA Conversion Exam. Knowing all the information on these pages will ensure a 100% mark. on the exam.
Conversion Course
Convert Your Current Course to an Associate Course
If you are interested in doing the course but have already started a course or degree in acupuncture you can convert to The Associate Course with a 25% reduction (£6600 instead of £8800). This comes with the expectation that you already have some theoretical knowledge which should speed up your training. To qualify for this you need to show at least one year of paid degree course plus pass the conversion exam.
The conversion exam will be tested on the following aspects:
The Six Divisions (see Octavia Lecture video below)
The Five Element correspondences (see fact sheet)
Point locations, specifically cun measurements, of common points (these are provided).
Point names of ten common points (these are provided).